To all those involved in companies and schools For the smiles of all workers, students, and everyone To all those involved in companies and schools For the smiles of all workers, students, and everyone

Uniform service
Reason for choosing

Aoyama Clothing's uniform service is
It has been chosen by many customers.
Let us explain why.
  • ユニフォームサービスが選ばれる理由1
    Expand to all prefectures in Japan
    Available at "Aoyama Clothing"
    Orders can be accepted and measurements taken at Aoyama Clothing stores nationwide.
    Please contact us for urgent repairs.
  • ユニフォームサービスが選ばれる理由2
    Corporate uniforms and school uniforms department
    In charge of production and sales
    We have uniform service regional representatives in charge of corporate uniforms and school uniforms located throughout the country. For school uniforms, we also work in collaboration with school uniform manufacturers to provide support to individual schools.
  • ユニフォームサービスが選ばれる理由3
    With major domestic catalog manufacturers
    Through partnership
    A wide range of products
    Through partnerships with over 20 major catalog manufacturers in Japan, we are able to provide a wide range of uniforms for offices, restaurants, service, medical, etc.
  • ユニフォームサービスが選ばれる理由4
    High quality and low prices at "Aoyama Clothing"
    Creating original uniforms
    Production management based on the strict quality standards of "Aoyama Clothing".
    By utilizing the production background of "Aoyama Clothing", we have achieved cost reduction.

For phone inquiries, please click here


Reception: 10:00-17:30 Closed: Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, 1/1-1/3

Uniform Service
Case studies

So far, we have handled major airline and taxi company related cases.
More than 500 companies in various industries
Suitable for company uniforms.
  • ユニフォームサービスの導入事例1

    Daiichi Transportation Industry Co., Ltd.

  • ユニフォームサービスの導入事例2

    Mr. Hidaka, Heyday Co., Ltd.

  • ユニフォームサービスの導入事例3

    Keylex Co., Ltd.

  • ユニフォームサービスの導入事例_寿司・しゃぶしゃぶ ゆず庵様

    Sushi and Shabu-shabu restaurant YuzuanFrom the staff at Fukuyama store

    Since we are always in close contact with customers, I think it is especially important that the uniform is comfortable to wear, easy to move in, and clean.
    That's what I really like about the current uniform.

For phone inquiries, please click here


Reception: 10:00-17:30 Closed: Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, 1/1-1/3

uniform catalog

With over 20 major domestic catalog manufacturers
We are collaborating.
We can cater to a wide range of industries and product lineups,
Please contact us first.
We are also happy to consult with you and provide estimates regarding catalog prices, including your budget.




*We also accept requests for original uniforms.
*If you have any questions regarding quality, design, or customer service, please contact us below.

\This can be handled at Aoyama clothing stores nationwide/

Find a store near you

For phone inquiries, please click here


Reception: 10:00-17:30 Closed: Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, 1/1-1/3

Flow of uniform delivery

  • ユニフォーム納品までの流れ1


    Inquiries by phone or email

  • ユニフォーム納品までの流れ2


    A person in charge will contact you by phone or email. After that, we will visit you and discuss the business.

  • ユニフォーム納品までの流れ3


    If you need to be measured, we will take your measurements at the nearby "Aoyama Clothing Store."

  • ユニフォーム納品までの流れ4

    delivery of materials

    We will deliver the product to the delivery date, delivery method, and destination as determined during the business negotiations.

For phone inquiries, please click here


Reception: 10:00-17:30 Closed: Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, 1/1-1/3

Regarding the handling of school uniforms

The joy of learning
I support you

School uniforms are available at Aoyama Clothing.
You can also try it on at your local store!
  • 学生服の取り扱いについて1
    Standard stand-up collar school uniform
    Standard stand-up collar school uniforms are available at Aoyama clothing stores nationwide and online.
  • 学生服の取り扱いについて2
    Sailor suit
    Individually designed blazer uniform
    Please contact us regarding sailor suits and individually designed blazer uniforms. (*We may not be able to accommodate some requests.)

About the dressing class

A suit professional will not fail
I will teach you how to dress well

  • 着こなし講座について1
  • Aoyama Clothing offers fashion classes that are useful for students and business people who are job-hunting.
    To serve you better, we will visit schools, companies, and designated locations directly to hold the event.
    Career Center staff and related department staff are also welcome to contact us.


    Gain confidence for your job search and new life!


    Solve problems according to your business needs!