How to choose the right suit for you Here are some tips on how to wear it correctly.
Front body/waist circumference
Make sure there are no cramped or wrinkled areas around the chest or waist when the shirt is buttoned up.
Shoulder width fit
Choose something that fits your shoulders well. Make sure that you don't feel any tightness when you move your shoulders.
Sleeve length
A good rule of thumb is to cover your wrists. It looks neater if you wear a jacket and your blouse is not visible from the cuffs.
Skirt Size
The best position for a skirt is slightly above the hip bone. The skirt size should be such that your palm can fit comfortably inside.
Skirt Length
The best balance is for it to come slightly over your knees when you're standing, and about 5cm above your knees when you're sitting. Check the length based on this.
Pants length
Semi-flared and straight styles look best when the hem reaches just below the heel, while tapered styles look best when the hem reaches just below the ankle.
Great deals on everything from suits to western clothing
*Please ask the store staff for details on the set contents.
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